Our Practices Provide Outpatient Therapy In-Home for Older Adults 

  • What makes us different from other clinics is that we bring outpatient physical and occupational therapy to the homes of seniors, so the older population does not have travel to the clinic for their care.
  • We are the best choice for any patient on Medicare because our therapy is specifically geared towards older adults, and not for any other patient population. We are a niche practice and we are well versed in fall prevention, balance issues, gait disturbances, and senior safety issues.
  • Patients do NOT need to be homebound like a home health agency because we are not one.  We are therapists in private practice just like an outpatient clinic and we bill through Medicare Part B. All practices have therapists who are certified Medicare providers
  • We are filling the gap for Medicare patients who are not homebound (Medicare Part A), but for those that would find it more convenient and more beneficial to have the therapy at their home instead of traveling to the outpatient clinic.

Older Adults With Common Problems We Can Help With:

  • Difficulty Walking or Abnormal Gait
  • History of Falls
  • Loss of Balance
  • Osteoarthritis and Osteoporosis
  • Soft Tissue and Joint Injuries
  • Post-Surgical Cases (Total Knee, Hip, Back, Shoulder Surgeries)
  • Neurological Problems (Stroke, Parkinson’s Disease, Neuropathy.)
  • Difficulty or Loss of Activities of Daily Living
  • Musculoskeletal Pain
  • Decline in Fitness and Strength
  • Loss of Range of Motion
  • Poor Posture
  • Need an In-home Safety Evaluation or Equipment Modification

Criteria for In-Home Therapy:

  • Patient is on Medicare or a Medicare Advantage Plan.
  • Patient chooses to have a therapist come to the home rather than go to the outpatient clinic.
  • Patient will have difficulty getting to clinic for therapy and is better served in their home.
  • Patient needs physical or occupational therapy without the need for nursing care.
  • Patient does NOT need to be homebound like a home health agency.
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