• Unbelievably low start-up costs.
  • The beauty is you will save immensely by not leasing an office or having to purchase expensive equipment and materials to get started.

  • Minimal overhead expenses.
  • The expenses are low because without an office, there isn’t a need for assistants, aides, billing personnel, or even a receptionist.

  • Become profitable immediately.
  • There is little to no financial risk involved as the start-up and overhead expenses are so low in this business model.

  • High professional and patient satisfaction.
  • You will be able to spend 100% one-on-one time with each patient in their home. You will be able to devote more energy to each patient plus see less patients per day than in a clinic or a rehabilitation facility. This helps to prevent the common burnout syndrome amongst therapists and leads to a more rewarding career.

  • Broad marketability.
  • Since you treat patients in their homes and are not limited by a fixed practice location, you will be able to market your services to a large geographical area which includes many doctors, outpatient PT/OT clinics, home health agencies, retirement communities, assisted living centers, senior centers, etc.

  • Little competition from other providers and doctors.
  • This is a niche area of therapy that has not been tapped and there is an ever increasing need for in-home therapy services throughout the country. Because home health agencies and outpatient clinics are not able to effectively meet these patient needs, you won't be competing with other practices for patients.

  • Grow your in-home practice to whatever size suits you.
  • There is truly unlimited potential with an in-home therapy practice as you can expand with little overhead and without a need for an additional office or office personnel.

  • Be your own boss and set your own schedule.
  • Having the freedom to decide the hours and days of the week you work generates a flexibility you could never imagine in a 9-5 job. Once you work for yourself and see how liberating and rewarding it is, you will never want to go back to being an employee.

  • Earn a good living.
  • Stop paying your boss and start paying yourself first. You can make more money seeing less patients a day and create your own financial future instead of relying on someone else to give you a raise.

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