In-Home Physical Therapy of Cary
Cary, NC
Phone: (315) 395-0472
Fax: (919) 461-9795

  • Serving patients in the Research Triangle area including Wake and Durham counties.
  • We specialize and greatly enjoy treating the senior population.
  • We accept referrals from doctors, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, assisted living centers, senior living centers and caregivers among others.

Julio (Jules) Vega

Age: 44
Hometown: New York City
Education: Master of Professional Studies, SUNY Upstate Medical University at Syracuse.
Hobbies: Basketball, softball, running and coaching youth sports.

Q: What is the most rewarding part of your job?
A: Keeping the therapy fresh and diverse.

Q: Describe your ideal patient?
A: In my experience that person exists only in textbooks. People are all ideal in their own way.

Q: Would you say you make "house calls"?
A: In- Home Physical Therapy does just that. We bridge the gap between seniors who don't qualify for homecare services, but find it more convenient to receive their therapy at home.

Q: What is the best advice you could give someone to stay healthy?
A: Exercise is the best drug there is. It works with no side affects.

Q: What is the most common misconception you hear from patients?
A: That physical therapists are there to inflict pain.

Q: If you weren't in the health care field, what career or field would you do?
A: I was in the Army for 9 years so I probably would have made that a career.

Q: Despite being in the health care field, people would probably be surprised that when I'm off the job, I…?
A: Despise eating anything fat-free or sugar-free.